
In Psalm 133, David was inspired by God to write these words. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.”

One of the blessings that we have in our church is a strong sense of spiritual unity.

We are united in our desire to reverently worship God in our worship services. We are united in our desire to learn from the Bible. We are united in our desire to put daily living the things we have learnt.

We are united in our love for each other – we want to look after each other and to care for one another.

We are united in supporting gospel work where we see sound evangelistic activity and the responsible use of money given.

Although we are a small congregation, we really are part of, and involved in a number of causes both in Armidale and overseas.

In our home town we support Armidale Youth Futures (AYF) with its work in bringing the Christian message to school children. Matt Mulready, Peter Clark and their helpers are constantly on our prayer list and we appreciate a visit to our church from them.

We support Gillian Law in her evangelistic work among students in Italy.

Probably our greatest involvement is in the work in Kenya. Don Burgess and David Bonsequet keep us well informed on the work at Mitamisyi and Nyanzi.

These are among the points of prayer at our regular prayer meeting on Thursdays.

We come together each Sunday to bring together our family and individual times of worship to corporately worship our Lord.

But our primary reason for assembling on the Lord’s Day is to be taught from the Word of God.

Let us continue to maintain our unity so that Christ will be glorified in our church.